Trip to Leicester

On day two of our recent trip to Europe, Lisa and I went up to visit family friend Annabel, and her husband (Justin) and daughter (Jemima). Annabel was the subject of the very first Fernby Films production, Hello Annabel, and in return sent us her own product, Hello From Annabel shortly afterwards.

Annabel took us out to lunch, and a wander around Kirby Muxloe, the little villiage in the English midlands near Leicester. In this post, I have included some photographs of the day.

Here’s Lisa and Jemima sitting at the table:


Here is a group shot:


For those wondering what Kirby Muxloe looks like, here’s a couple of shots for you….

kirby-muxloe-main-street.jpg  Main Street of Kirby Muxloe

a-castle.jpg The local castle….

 Stay tuned soon for updates to the Europe trip pages, look to your right for more details……

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