Teaser poster for The Dark Knight Rises
Well, this just hit the internet today, and while we’re not normally a movie “news” site as such any more, this was just too damn awesome not to bring it to you. Ladies and Gentlement – the first teaser poster for The Dark Knight Rises. Bask in its glory!
Well, this just hit the internet today, and while we’re not normally a movie “news” site as such any more, this was just too damn awesome not to bring it to you. Ladies and Gentlemen – the first teaser poster for The Dark Knight Rises. Bask in its glory!

Good poster although it reminds me a bit too much of Inception.
I agree Castor, although, I'll also use that old adage: when you're onto a good thing……
Yes, please.
Okay then!
I'm excited.
Not much else can be said.
True. Once the promotion ramps up next year, this is going to be awesome!!