Vale – Bruce Surtees

Hollywood cinematographer Bruce Surtees has passed away. Mr Surtees worked primarily with Clint Eastwood throughout his career, working his way up from operating the camera on projects like Two Mules For Sister Sara and Coogan’s Bluff, before stepping into the DOP role for Eastwood projects like Dirty Harry (directed by Don Siegel), Escape from Alcatraz (again for Siegel) and Play Misty For Me for Eastwood’s direction. Surtees worked on Eastwood classics like High Plains Drifter, The Outlaw Joesy Wales, and Pale Rider. Aside from Eastwood, Surtees also worked with acclaimed director Bob Fosse on Lenny, which starred Dustin Hoffman and for which Surtees was nominated for an Oscar; he photographed The Shootist, Sudden Impact, Leadbelly, Night Moves, Beverley Hills Cop, and License to Drive, among others.
For bringing the gritty style of the 70’s and 80’s to audiences, we salute Bruce Surtees today. He passed away on Feburary 23rd, aged 74.
…wouldn't mind having that classic film still on my wall…great shot.
…License To Drive – a Corey/Corey classic!