Worst Film Week – The Worst Film Posters Of All Time (2012 Edition)
It’s amazing that even the professional design companies out there can miss the mark so wide, and so often.
Once more we’ve scoured the worst of the web to deliver more of the worst film posters ever. Shitty advertising can be a killer to a film, yet it can always find a funny home here, amongst the rest of the trash of Worst Film Week. It’s amazing that even the professional design companies out there can miss the mark so wide, and so often. Below are our picks for the best Worst film posters of the last couple of years. You can check out our other Worst Film Posters by clicking here, here and here.
Booooooring. Just booooooring in every respect. What’s this film about, exactly?
It’s hard to fathom somebody green-lit this poster to go public.
Is it just me, or does the color scheme of this poster look a little like urine?
I’m sorry, what’s the point of this film again?One looks like he’s shit his pants, the other looks like he has to eat it.After 3 of these stupid films, one must question the potential for humanity to evolve beyond what we currently are….The worst film of 2011, easily has one of the stupidest posters of the last 24 months. Hey, it’s Adam Sandler, and that’s never good.
Or, Sex & The City 3? Is there any chance Carrie… i mean SJP can play any other role?X-Men First Class was a terrific film. You’d never judge it by this minimalist – terrible – poster.As if to prove that lightning can strike twice, here’s the Professor X variant of the X-Men First Class promotion…Two of Hollywood’s worst A-list actors in the same film, directed by Joel Schumacher. And the poster doesn’t help at ALL.What happened to them happens to you if you watch this film.Create a poster for a film, and then put a 2nd one right over the top of that. Confusing and dull.Always an attention-grabber: list the entire cast, and then include their faces as well….I’m sorry, but this poster is included just on principle.Hands down the worst film of 2011, easily the worst poster of 2011 as well. Garish and obscene.Any poster with the Biebster on it deserves a special place in Hell….Oh, the awkwardness of this. Imagine you’re one of the cast and you saw your name attached to this.I’m not a huge fan of gangstas, and this is why. A poster with an ego on the front. Terrible.Miley Cyrus doing duckface on a poster. F**K you Miley.Not sure what Julia Roberts is doing just sitting on a bench, but perhaps she’s meditating on what has become of her career.In lieu of any Katherine Heigl inclusion this time, we’re putting in a truly godawful Jennifer Aniston one instead.Yeah, and…?Shit, we DID get a Katherine Heigl movie in this year. I watched this film and I hated the shit out of it.Hayden Pannertterienerieirerie isn’t a bad sort, but this poster is just plain weird….
“Some people say I like films. Those people are wrong. I *love* films.” – Me. I said this.
Rodney has been writing about films for well over two decades, appreciates a good wine, the love of his wife and kids, and the affection of his dog and cats. He has a fondness of cheesy 90’s action and classic Hollywood, hates that physical media is disappearing, and wishes somebody would make a high-budget series of The Neverending Story.
17 thoughts on “Worst Film Week – The Worst Film Posters Of All Time (2012 Edition)”
The one for "new years eve" is actually surprisingly good, considering the potential it had to be just a bunch of tiny floating heads, perhaps a photoshop of everyone in a party seen from above. I wish "small portraits of the stars out of the main picture" would be more used instead of just the floating heads cliche.
Oh my God…these posters should have been burned and never seen the light of any innocent film buff's eyes. And those X-Men one's – that was the icing on the cake.
Hi alley, thanks for dropping in!! Couldn't agree with you more – most of these posters should never have been released, especially that Trespass one with Nic Cage. Ugh!!!
Are we allowed a tie? I haven't seen those films either yet, Dan, so I'm gonna have to let somebody who has take the plunge here.
Hahaha, thanks for reminding me of those awful posters for First Class. For me, they perfectly represent the quality of that movie, but I know I'm in the minority. And I like that Madea Black Swan poster; it's funny! Prom looks like it's going for a 500 Days of Summer vibe and failing. Gun looks fairly promising if you ask me, although Val Kilmer looks a little odd just hovering in the background.
And I think New Year's Eve is perfect for the older crowd where one half of the couple remembers an actor's name, but can't remember their face, while the other half of the couple remembers faces but not names.
My recent post Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity (1987)
Ha ha, you're right about New Year's Eve…. it's exactly that kind of poster, and probably exactly that kind of film – I haven't seen it, and don't even plan to!!
Oh dear, even just looking at the posters is excruciating!!! Glad I haven't seen any of them except for First Class which fortunately is eons better than those dumb posters! I'll be linking here on tomorrow's post of similar topic, Rodney 😀
My recent post TCFF Lineup is here! Check out what’s showing Oct 12-20
Thanks Ruth! Looking forward to seeing what you're posting tomorrow!! You liked the First Class posters? What did you think of the film?
Hey, this is just great. I never caught those X-men posters, they're horrific.
Thanks Mette – I never liked them… they seemed too…. simple.
They'd be fine if it were not for the "mandatory floating head" revision. Or, if at least the floating heads were very faded, almost invisible, in the white background, instead of those stomach-faces on black silhouettes. I guess someone high on the chain of command first thought they needed the floating heads to make better use of the actors to sell tickets, and then thought that the public could be confused if the heads weren't actually "in" the characters.
Great (or terrible) list of posters. The worst is probably New Year's Eve because everybody's faces are all looking away with a smile on their faces, while Ludacris is randomly looking straight at us, looking as if he just took a delightful crap.
My recent post A Woman Under the Influence (1974)
Bloody Ludacris, ruining a perfectly shitty poster by upstaging folks!! xD
The one for "new years eve" is actually surprisingly good, considering the potential it had to be just a bunch of tiny floating heads, perhaps a photoshop of everyone in a party seen from above. I wish "small portraits of the stars out of the main picture" would be more used instead of just the floating heads cliche.
Oh my God…these posters should have been burned and never seen the light of any innocent film buff's eyes. And those X-Men one's – that was the icing on the cake.
Hi alley, thanks for dropping in!! Couldn't agree with you more – most of these posters should never have been released, especially that Trespass one with Nic Cage. Ugh!!!
If it had Nicolas Cage, the poster is a great place for it to start being bad.
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Some terrifically bad film posters there! But…there's two "worst films of 2011" – so which one is it: Jack and Jill or Bucky Larson..?
….I've seen neither yet…
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Are we allowed a tie? I haven't seen those films either yet, Dan, so I'm gonna have to let somebody who has take the plunge here.
Hahaha, thanks for reminding me of those awful posters for First Class. For me, they perfectly represent the quality of that movie, but I know I'm in the minority. And I like that Madea Black Swan poster; it's funny! Prom looks like it's going for a 500 Days of Summer vibe and failing. Gun looks fairly promising if you ask me, although Val Kilmer looks a little odd just hovering in the background.
And I think New Year's Eve is perfect for the older crowd where one half of the couple remembers an actor's name, but can't remember their face, while the other half of the couple remembers faces but not names.
My recent post Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity (1987)
Ha ha, you're right about New Year's Eve…. it's exactly that kind of poster, and probably exactly that kind of film – I haven't seen it, and don't even plan to!!
Oh dear, even just looking at the posters is excruciating!!! Glad I haven't seen any of them except for First Class which fortunately is eons better than those dumb posters! I'll be linking here on tomorrow's post of similar topic, Rodney 😀
My recent post TCFF Lineup is here! Check out what’s showing Oct 12-20
Thanks Ruth! Looking forward to seeing what you're posting tomorrow!! You liked the First Class posters? What did you think of the film?
No, no, I think the posters are terrible, but I LOVE the movie!
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he he… nice work. Me too!
Hey, this is just great. I never caught those X-men posters, they're horrific.
Thanks Mette – I never liked them… they seemed too…. simple.
They'd be fine if it were not for the "mandatory floating head" revision. Or, if at least the floating heads were very faded, almost invisible, in the white background, instead of those stomach-faces on black silhouettes. I guess someone high on the chain of command first thought they needed the floating heads to make better use of the actors to sell tickets, and then thought that the public could be confused if the heads weren't actually "in" the characters.
Great (or terrible) list of posters. The worst is probably New Year's Eve because everybody's faces are all looking away with a smile on their faces, while Ludacris is randomly looking straight at us, looking as if he just took a delightful crap.
My recent post A Woman Under the Influence (1974)
Bloody Ludacris, ruining a perfectly shitty poster by upstaging folks!! xD