Happy New Year… It’s the End Of The World As We Know It!
Happy New Year folks, welcome to the first day of 2012; the year in which, according to those who believe in the soon-to-be-defunct ancient Mayan calendar, the world will end/change.
Here at fernbyfilms.com, we don’t believe much will happen on December 21 this year, but just in case the planet Earth does suffer some terrible cataclysm, we’ll be preparing for this event with some timely final words and summations on cinema as a whole. Just in case aliens unearth our remains in the millennia to come, we want to make sure they know the truth about our world, about our culture, as we step forth into the new epoch of human civilization, be that a post-Roland Emmerich-esque upheaval or meteor strike or nuclear holocaust – whatever version of fate humanity has in store, we wanted to get our ducks in a row.
Each month, we’ll be presenting a special series of Top 10 Lists, under the headline banner of “Greatest of the Modern Age“, trawling through various films of the last 30-odd years (since 1980, to be precise), with such lists as the Greatest Actors, Greatest Films, Greatest Film Scenes and other similarly titled things to keep you entertained. Tomorrow, we present our first, The Top 10 Greatest Actors Of The Modern Age, representing the best acting talent from the last 30 years. I know some of these lists will produce some controversy, so I invite anybody with a different opinion to voice it in the comments section!
Also this year, we have a special last-gasp blow-out planned for Septembers Worst Film Week event (since we went and skipped it in 2011), as well as a number of other events planned through the course of the year – most of which I haven’t come up with as I write this. No doubt I’ll sort something out later.
So welcome to2012 folks: sit back and enjoy the ride, why dontcha!
Rodney T – EIC, fernbyfilms.com
Happy new year Rodney, I hope you enjoyed your Christmas/New Year celebrations! Here's to a great 2012!
HAPPY NEW YEAR Rodney. Looking forward to your lists!
Thanks Ruth! Looking forward to writing them!
And reading more stuff over at Flixchatter!!!
Woo 2012
Happy New Year, Rodney! Given what you've got to look forward to in 2012 I know that this can't be the end of the world.
Looking forward to all of the terrible films you've seen.
@ Will – New Years? been there,….. already done that!! Hope your party is awesome man!!! Look forward to reading more from you in 2012!
@ Rory – The first "greatest of" list is up tomorrow, don't miss it!! Hope you have an awesome 2012 as well!
@ Fitz – Yeah, Worst Film Week is going to rock come this September!!! Have a good one mate!!
WOW! Now maybe I've been under a big rock and maybe that's true, but this is one helluva good best of/worst of list I think I've seen in a while. The tie in with the big END with a special series each month is a grand idea – and I'm not just saying that because Rodney is a cool dude. Well, maybe a little. But I like this idea quite a bit just the same and am looking forward to seeing how it all ends., er, well begins? Best->
Happy new year, Rodney! Sounds like you have a lot of great plans for the upcoming year. I still have about 14 hours till 2012, so until then I'm gonna party like it's 2011.